Colegio Los Nogales
 |   English Version
Basics of Colegio Los Nogales for Teachers

  • 955 students Pre-K (4 year old students) through 12 (18 year old students)
  • Maximum number of students per class: 24
  • Teaching load-24 class periods per week out of 40 periods total per week
  • Time for planning, class preparation and marking included in daily schedule
  • Two-class periods off, once a week for personal time
  • Weekly planning with guidance from the head of the department
  • Individual, thorough assessment expected of each student every quarter in elementary and middle school, every semester in high school.
  • Classrooms  are shared with other teachers
  • Textbooks in English of compulsory use imported from the US
  • Homogeneous student body in terms of abilities, interests, place of origin, social, cultural and religious background
  • Catholic school run by lay persons (teachers are not required to be Catholic)
  • Discipline based on development of autonomy
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